Please read the following closely for general camp and payment information!

Ohio Valley Summer Theater is presenting our annual Summer Youth Camp in Athens, OH! This camp will be for rising 1st graders through rising 8th graders. The camp will feature an all-new, custom curriculum made especially for OVST Youth Camp! Campers will work on acting, music, movement, artistic design, improv, storytelling, crafts, games, and more!

Camp begins on Monday, 5 June, and will run 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday, until 23 June. Lunch will not be provided -- please see the camp paperwork for complete details. 

All three weeks -- $470

Spots are limited!

As always, contact for any additional questions or requests! 

Camp Description:

We're thrilled to announce our 2023 Summer Camp, which has the exciting theme of "Under the Sea"! The camp will run for three weeks, starting on Monday, June 5th, 2023, and concluding on Friday, June 23rd, 2023. Throughout the camp, our wonderful staff will guide campers through various theatrical concepts and skills, along with fun crafts, games, and an opportunity to design and build elements of our summer youth musical, Little Mermaid Jr!

While the musical will be produced separately from camp, campers will learn new skills and put their creativity to the test as they design and create various aspects of the show. Little Mermaid Jr will take place in late July, and campers will have the chance to use the skills they've learned during camp to create props, costumes, and set pieces for the production.

In addition to the musical, we're proud to share that we've worked with a team of professionals to create an entirely new summer camp curriculum tailored specifically for OVST Youth Summer Camp! Campers will focus on developing their acting, music, movement, and artistic design skills, all while having a blast and making new friends. Our campers will gain valuable knowledge and experience in theatrical and technical production in a supportive and fun atmosphere.

By the end of the camp, campers will have learned several design elements and will have the opportunity to showcase their newfound skills in an original performance for families. We can't wait to share this exciting summer camp experience with your children!

Age and Enrollment Limit:

Our camp will serve rising 1st graders through rising 8th graders. Our camp will serve a maximum of 30 children. 

Program Hours:

OVST Camp operates Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. No children are permitted to be dropped off before 8:30 am, and pick-up is promptly at 4:30 pm. We will be in session on 19 June 2023 and plan on having holiday-specific activities to mark Juneteenth.  

Fee Information:

OVST Camp tuition is $470.00 for the entire three weeks of camp, which includes all registration site fees. OVST strongly recommends attending all three weeks of camp to gain the most from our activities and camp shows. (Income-based financial assistance may be available, please contact

Payment is due when you register your child for camp. Payment will be made online using a link to reserve your spot in camp. You can access this link at NO PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED DURING CAMP HOURS. All payments must be taken care of online, as there will be no cash at camp.

OVST camp has limited enrollment, and the last day to register for camp is Friday, 2 June 2023.

There are no reimbursements for missed days by individual campers. Assistance may be available for those who qualify. 


The camp will be held at Central Avenue Church - 73 Central Ave. Athens, OH


4 Forms must be turned in upon acceptance to OVST Camp: Health Enrollment Form, Routine Field Trip Form, and a Media Release form. These forms can be downloaded from Children will be permitted to attend camp once ALL FORMS are completed and returned to the camp staff.

Lunch/ Snacks:

Parents will be responsible for providing a healthy lunch for their child(ren) each day. Parents should pack their child’s lunch in a lunch bag/box CLEARLY LABELED with their child’s name, along with ice packs if there is perishable food inside. OVST does not have the ability to store lunches in a refrigerator so please store all items appropriately.

OVST will be having a morning and afternoon snack each day during camp hours. Parents are responsible for packing these snacks each day in their camper’s backpacks.

What to Bring to Camp:

OVST recommends bringing the items listed below to camp each day. Items should be carried in a backpack to and from camp each day and all items should be CLEARLY LABELED with your child’s name.

  • Backpack

  • Complete set of extra clothing

  • Sunscreen

  • Water Bottle

  • Lunch/ 2 Snacks

Personal Items:

OVST promises to be a day full of FUN activities! For this reason, we ask that children do NOT bring any personal items from home such as gaming systems, tablets, personal toys, etc… We do understand that many children carry phones on them in case of emergencies and to reach their parents. Phones ARE permitted at camp, however, we will ask that they be kept in the camper’s backpacks AT ALL TIMES during the camp day.

Camper General Health:

Although there is no medical form required to attend this camp, we do want our campers to be comfortable while participating in our programs. By signing your child(ren) up for camp, parents are stating that their child has been seen by a physician within the last year and is considered in good health and fully released to participate.